

Hi guys !
Jadi tgl 12 September kemarin aku diundang ke acara Blogger Gathering Bio Essence, di event tersebut kami diperkenalkan dengan produk baru yaitu Bio Essence Bio-Water Sensitive pH.
Dan tamu spesial yang hadir hari itu adalah @Astaririri !! Seneng bangetttt <3

Saat kami sampai di lokasi, kami dipersilahkan untuk menikmati makan siang yang telah disediakan.
Setelah makan siang, kami pun mengambil foto sembari menunggu acara yang dimulai pada jam 1.
Di event tersebut, kami mendapatkan informasi mengenai series baru dari Bio Essence tersebut.

Sekedar pengenalan, produk Bio Essence diluncurkan pada tahun 2001 di Singapore, dan diluncurkan di Indonesia pada tahun 2005. Produk Bio Essence diutamakan untuk kulit wanita Asia.

Series terbaru dari Bio-Essence adalah produk-produk yang cocok bagi kulit sensitif, karena mengandung Bio-Water Sensitive pH. Produk-produk tersebut memiliki bahan utama yaitu air, dan tidak mengandung alkohol, pewarna, dan pewangi, sehingga sangat aman bagi kulit sensitif.

Series Bio Water Sensitive pH ini terdiri dari Jelly Makeup Remover (tidak difoto), Soothing Cleansing Gel, Micellar Water, Moist-In Lotion, Moist-In Water Gel, dan Energizing Water.

Di event tersebut kami diberi kesempatan untuk mencoba produk-produk series tersebut, dan first impression aku adalah :

- Jelly Makeup Remover
Produk ini memiliki sensasi dingin pada kulit, produk ini dapat menghapus makeup ringan, namun menurut saya kurang maksimal dalam menghapus makeup tebal.

- Micellar Water
Produk ini menghapus makeup dengan baik, bahkan makeup waterproof sekalipun. Setelah pemakaian kulit tidak terasa kering karena membantu menghidrasi kulit.

- Soothing Cleansing Gel
Ini produk favorit aku dari series ini, setelah pemakaian cleanser ini mukaku terasa halus, lembab dan kenyal bangett ! Favorit banget dehh kalian harus banget nyobain !!

- Moist-In Lotion
Lotion ini menghidrasi kulit, ketika di apply konsistensinya agak berbusa, tidak terlalu cepat meresap.

- Moist-In Water Gel
Gel ini membantu menghidrasi kulit dengan baik, muka terasa lembab dan kenyal.

- Energizing Water
Suka banget sama spraynya, fine bangett, setelah pemakaian juga kulit terasa fresh banget, love !

Apresiasi pihak Bio Essence kepada dokter kecantikan dan kak Riri

with the humble kak Riri <3

Setelah acara selesai, kami diberikan goodie bag, dan aku dapetin 2 karena menang best dress hehe



Hello guys, back again with me here ! hehe

Recently I've received new products from Vaseline, which is their Super Food Skin Serum !

I received 2 out of 3 variants : Citrus, Green Tea, & Cranberry.

This is a limited edition product made of super food extracts with micro-droplets of Vaseline Jelly.
The packaging looks very eye catching and unique with the illustration of super food ingredient it contains in each bottle.

It's said that these are the benefits of each product :
Citrus - contains Vitamin C which helps on skin brightening
Green Tea - contains high level of antioxidant which helps on hydrating the skin
Cranberry - contains collagen which helps to repair the skin

Honestly doesn't really like the scent of the Green Tea, because it smells too strong for me (?) I love the Citrus one better because it smells very refreshing ! Haven't tried out the Cranberry one though, quite curious of the smells lol
I don't usually love applying lotion because they're mostly very sticky and uncomfortable on the skin, but this one is DIFFERENT.
The lotion consistency is cream, but when you apply them evenly on the skin, it became watery like consistency. I love that because it's easily absorbed by the skin, and also doesn't leave the sticky feeling on the skin !

You probably can't see it from the picture, but my skin looks much hydrated and glowy after use.
Will keep using this product just because I love it so much <3

Definitely recommending this product to all of you because it's way too amazing!
And since it's limited edition, you better hurry up and get it before they ran out of stock :p
You can get them through Lazada here :
- Cranberry
- Citrus
- Greentea

For more information you can check out their Instagram @VaselineID
#SuperskinEveryday #VaselineSuperfoodSkinSerum #VaselinexBeautyJournal

Novita S.