
REVIEW - Posy Beauty

Just recently received a lip cream from Posy Beauty ! Buat yang belum tau, Posy Beauty itu brand lokal ( Indonesia ) loh, pendirinya yaitu 2 perempuan Indonesia, Diandra  Bernadin dan Amanda Neola. Produk pertama yang diluncukan oleh Posy Beauty adalah lipstik matte.

Lipstik matte brand lokal ini memiliki 5 varian warna; 2 warna bold ( Pride & lust ) dan 3 warna nude ( Envy, Greed, Wrath ). Aku dikirimin shade Wrath, warnanya lebih ke merah kecoklatan.

Taken with flash, color may be slightly different depending on the lighting

Aku memiliki bibir yang kering, dan biasanya sih aku gak gitu suka kalo makai lipstik yang matte. Tapi lipstik ini ga mengeringkan bibirku sama sekali, mungkin karena adanya kandungan Vitamin E ya jadi dia ga mengeringkan bibir gitu, kalo dipegang lipstiknya terasa lembut velvety gitu di permukaan bibir, which I really like.

Lipstik ini juga transfer-proof ! Baru di apply kira-kira 2 menit, habis itu dipegang2 ga ada transfer ke tangan sama sekali, kissable ya? :')

Cara nge apply lipstik ini juga ga susah, karena konsistensinya creamy dan mulus banget di bibir aku, plus applicatornya juga berbentuk runcing, jadi ga susah deh kalo mau apply sampai pinggir bibir hehe. Pigmentasi dari lipstik ini juga bagus banget, sekali swatch aja warnanya uda nampak banget !

Aku personally kurang suka sama warnanya, karena aku tipe yang suka pakai nude lips dengan undertone yang pink-ish gitu, tapi warna-warna yang dikeluarin Posy Beauty mostly undertonenya coklat, dan pas dipakai ke akunya jadi gelap gitu, kalo untuk acara-acara formal si not bad warnanya, tapi kalo untuk daily life, enggak banget buat aku T.T

Penasaran ga sama harganya? Harga untuk 1pc itu cuma Rp.149.900 loh ! Lebih hemat lagi kalau langsung beli 1 set ( 5 warna ) = Rp.699.000

Mungkin di benak kalian lipstik lokal itu bagus ga ya? Aman ga ya?
Ga usah takut guys! Posy Beauty itu lipstick matte yang aman digunakan loh, karena sudah terdaftar di BPOM, dan juga halal, vegan, serta cruelty free ! Bangga banget kan sama produk lokal kita ? #ProudIndonesian

Well untuk produk ini aku nilai 4.5/5 ! Karena untuk harga yang terjangkau, aku uda bisa dapetin produk yang bagus, dari packagingnya yang sleek banget, tipis dan gampang dibawa kemana-mana, doesn't dries out my lips, cuma yah, kurang suka sama warnanya... semoga aja ya Posy Beauty bisa ngeluarin warna-warna nude baru yang bisa cocok ke aku :')

Hayo pengen beli yaa? Kamu bisa dapetin produk ini di !

Love, Novita

Shiseido Beauty Redefined

I was invited by Shiseido to attend their beauty influencer gathering at Centre Point Mall ( 08 Feb 2018 ) to experience their products & services from Shiseido experts.

They gave out free hair styling & makeover service for the public, but I didn't try it out though.
They also did a makeup demo using all of Shiseido makeup products.

Mostly our activity is literally eating the canapes and took bunch of pictures, because there's a lot of spot to took pictures of ! We were also able to experience the projection room, which is insta-worthy lol

Since shiseido pop up store is in Centre Point until 11 of Feb, I went there again on 10th of Feb to exchange my old lipstick for a new Shiseido Lipstick, and I really love it !!! The lipstick looks very luxurious, and the cap is magnetic !!! ( it feels really satisfying to open & close the lipstick )
And since the color is randomly given out, I got a red one, which I don't use a lot in my daily life... so... I exchanged it with a very nice auntie there, because she got a nude-red and I got a bright-red colour :')
Well that's all that happened.

Love, Novita

Astalift Photogenic Beauty Workshop

I bet everyone knows about Fujifilm, right? Yes, we all know that they produces stuffs like cameras, polaroids, films, etc. But now they came out with something which is surprisingly different, and you can guess it from the picture above, yes, it is skincare.
I'm shook when I first heard about it, I was like what? How did a brand that produces camera stuffs suddenly created a skincare line?

At the event, they told us the history about how Astalift first created in Japan. As they are a company that produces camera stuffs, they thought about perfecting it so that everyone can look photogenic in pictures, in which they created a skincare line called Astalift.

The main product in Astalift is Jelly Aquarysta, it is said to be " a unique anti-ageing skincare product composed of an effective mix of collagen and moisturizer delivering a light textured facial treatment that ensures fast absorption for glowing skin and a more beautiful, you! "
Jelly Aquarysta is very unique, as when you finished using it, it will goes back to its original shape, amazing ain't it?

Psstt, do you guys know that the old camera roll films are made from collagen too?! :')

After learning about the history, we followed the demo on daily skincare tips using Astalift products

After using their skincares, they also let us use their makeup products, such as foundation and powder foundation. I love the how the foundation looks on my skin. But after spending the day, my face gets sticky and oily, and I don't like how it felts. Not sure which product that causes it though.

I did bought a product, which is the UV Protector, it cost around Rp.400.000 - Rp.500.000 if I'm not mistaken. Overall I like the foundation ( but didn't bought it ) and the UV Protector which makes my skin looks glowing without having white cast.

Love, Novita

Meet & Greet Natasha Beauty Blogger

Last December I was invited by Natasha to attend their meet and greet beauty blogger event since it's their 23rd anniversary !
We were introduced to their newly launched products, which are the Oxygen Facial Cleanser & Argan Herbal Series

1. Oxygen Facial Cleanser

Now this cleanser is something I've never seen before. It's a cleanser with a gel consistency, you just have to apply it on your face, leave it for a few minutes, and boom the miracle happens ! The gel will turns into some kind of foamy bubbly texture on your face, and after that you just simply wipe it away with some tissues ( I prefer rinsing it off with water ).
On the event, they did a demo with a black permanent marker. They draw a thick line on the model's wrist, and then they applied the cleanser onto the line, leave it on for a few minutes, and well shockingly it disappears !!! We all know how hard it is to remove marker from our skin :')
No doubt that this cleanser does an amazing job on removing makeup as well,  but I always recommend to double-cleanse !

Price : around Rp.80.000 to Rp.90.000

2. Argan Herbal Series


Travel Kit
The Argan Herbal Series consists of 4 different products, which is the Bath Shower, Shampoo, Conditioner, and Body Lotion.

These are the benefits of Argan Oil for the Skin & Hair :
1. Skin Moisturizer
" Argan oil is most commonly used as a skin moisturiser to hydrate and soften skin. With its high vitamin E and fatty acid content, argan oil is the ideal product to give skin a natural boost. It absorbs easily and is non-greasy and non-irritating, which makes it a great natural moisturiser. - "
2. Hair Conditioner
" Argan oil is proven to make hair softer, silkier and shinier. It is the ideal hair conditioner, and it can even help to treat split ends and tame frizzy hair. Using argan oil to condition your hair is extremely easy. - "
3. Sleek and Shine Styling
" Due to its ability to tame frizz and give hair shine, argan oil is also commonly used as a styling agent. It makes hair more manageable and adds a healthy, attractive shine to any hair style. - "

Now you know how good these products is for you body & hair ! These products are available in both fullsize or travel kit, I actually really love how they made it into a travel kit, it's so complete and convenient to bring around overseas !

Price : starts from Rp.75.000

After the introduction and demo, we were served with delicious lunch !
Then as usual, we took lots of pictures - after that my heels broke off, and luckily, I did bring my sandals there  :')

Last but not least, we were each given a goodie bag :

Travel size O2 Facial Cleanser, Argan Herbal series ( travel kit ), Rp.250.000 voucher, and some sweet words from them <3

Love, Novita